How To Organize and Save Panel Data, So You Can Get The Most Out Of It!

Does your panel need some organization? Do you have too much data in it? You may believe this is the end of panel data but in reality, there are a number of ways to organize and sort panel data.

So you have done the research and now you have the data of the smm panel of people or potential customers from whom you are trying to collect some important information. But somehow you find it hard to keep up with your data. The information comes in pieces, not complete.

The internet is a vast place and it's growing every day. The possibility therefore of losing data while saving or organizing information becomes very real because of the fact that this data can be saved in only one system or on one piece of hardware. Having said that, the best online tool for storage and registration like this is definitely the cloud. There are several benefits of using the cloud for your tasks such as synchronization, organization, backup and accessibility.

Working with data can be challenging if you don't have the right tools. Panel data is a great source of information but sometimes it can feel overwhelming and hard to organize data and track views, conversion and purchase. For most of the researchers, there is a need to get quick conclusions of their data analysis. But, they have to collect good data before they conduct any data analysis. The collected data means nothing but raw data if it is not properly organized. You can organize your panel data in a better way and also save it for future use. The data will be available for you whenever you want.

Importance of saving data and organising panel data:

Saving your panel data and organizing it in a better way: It is very important for you to have a detailed understanding of every aspect of your panel. Especially, when it comes to time and consumption data. The need for analyzing your panel's time/consumption behaviour arises when you wish to assess the actual time consumed on the duties performed by the panel members. This information will eventually help you in fixing up any variable influencing the target behaviour (in this case, time-spent).

Saving data is important to all aspects of life, thus making storage devices necessary in all places. There are many storage options available but the most favoured among these options is a memory card. Since you store a lot of data on your memory cards and transfer a lot of data from one computer to another, it's very important for you to make sure that your device has maximum safety and protection.

Not all data is equal, and as a result, some of it has more value as time goes on. Plain text files are no longer the best format for saving or organizing information, and in this age of vast amounts of digital data being generated, there is a need for an organisation that can not only work with the latest technologies but also improve accessibility to data and provide quality assured solutions for hard to manage types of data. The aim is to save time and energy trying to find out what information is worth having, and where it can be found when required in the future.

Why is it so hard to save your panel data?

Yes, in the good old days it was relatively simple. There were only a few options available and you could easily execute the needed action. But uh-oh! Nowadays you have nearly a hundred different ways to save your panels, what should you choose? If you don't know which one to use, this article has been written for you.

The data from your panel or survey will be sent to your online form and stored in a database. This data is highly important because it tells you where your visitors are coming from, if they are new customers or existing ones, what their demographics are, which pages they have visited, the times of day they have visited, which devices they have used to visit and more.

Most customers wonder how to save the panel data and if there is a way to obtain them in a better way. The panel data are very interesting for the companies since they can help them learn about the market trends, weather forecasts and much more. Besides, consumers always want to know what others think about the advertised product or service. Therefore, as a result of using online surveys, it is possible to collect opinions of people who have never tried getting your brand information before.

The process of handling panel data is always a challenging one. Preserving and organizing it will depend on the number of members you have, the length of your panel, and the way you want to keep the panel data. What we recommend here is that you go for software that will allow you to save this panel data, organize it and make it easy to access whenever you need it. 

Products or sites you can use for saving and organizing data:

The following are the reviews and comparisons of the three most common options for saving your panel data and organizing it in a better way: The Polldaddy, Google Sheets, and Surveymonkey. The option that you should use to organize your data depends on your unique needs and circumstances. Google Sheets works well if you want to be able to work offline, but it doesn't fit everyone's needs. Polldaddy offers useful options like grid questions (which are otherwise not available) while Survey Monkey has a clean interface.

Panel manager is the tool to use, it may prove to be a more effective way for you to manage your cross-sectional data, without having to worry about backing up archives of your panel database. This user-friendly site is provided as a free service by SurveyAnalytics and its features are extensive. It aggregates survey data from multiple sources and combines them into one place, can track the entire history of surveys and download the results in .csv format, allows multiple users and companies to collaborate on projects through its database, and even provides real-time reports that can be viewed by email. Also included with this feature-rich database is a built-in list manager, multi-lingual support.

These methods should help you manage your survey data more efficiently. But don't worry if you don't have enough panel data to follow the approaches above, you should be able to make do with what you have. To discover more about sample sizes for surveys, check out the corresponding infographic. It is good that Zencoders came up with a great way to save your panel data. This will help save time for people who need to manage their data As a last resort if you have a CRM like Salesforce or Hubspot, syncing your panels is a great way to keep everything in one place!

The results are obvious and really important for those who work with SEO, the real-time monitoring is an amazing feature. You can track the visibility of your keywords in Google and see how long it takes to index, how many backlinks you need to better rank, how many times a keyword appears on your website, etc. You can also check the rankings of your competitors' keywords and see their SERP changes with time.

This integration with Google Spreadsheets and spreadsheets for other web applications provides a handy way to get data into Google Analytics. It's easy, quick, and certainly worth looking into. The next time there's not enough time in the day and you want to do more with your data, consider this solution.


We all know how hard it is to gather, save and organize our panel data. And that's why we created a better way to keep our data organized. This tool will help you and you won't be able to forget it anymore, because it will make your entire research activities a lot easier. So, if you really want to learn more and if you really like our product – please support us with thumbs up and let others know about this awesome template site!

To sum up, as a conclusion I would like to say that despite the lack of interest in this type of mini-surveys from the general population, there are some companies (like us) who do use them. We find them really useful for several purposes, and it appears that in general market research agencies do too. I believe these kinds of surveys will remain a good tool for market research and qualitative research for years to come.