Instructions Simplified: How to Change Your Facebook Name

One of the dilemmas of many Facebook users often wonder about is changing their Facebook name. However, changing your Facebook name and even your user name is easy. With this in mind, we are going to help you with your dilemma. We, at cheap smm panel india. Knew that these things may be fairly easy to do but not everyone can do this without simplified instructions.

In this article and with the help of YoyoMedia., we are going to teach you how to change your name on Facebook. We will also give you some of the tips that you need to remember when changing them.

Wait Up! Make sure to read this one before you proceed

When changing your Facebook name or user name, make sure to use a desktop computer or a laptop. Our reason for this one is convenience. Most people find it more convenient to use a smartphone to do this task. However, using the desktop or laptop makes it a lot easier to move from one page to another. Aside from that, typing your name is a lot easier as well. You don’t have to worry about misspelling your name.Apart from that, things are a lot more visible when you are using a bigger screen. 

How to Change your Facebook Name

Log into your Facebook Account

Let’s say that you are already on the Homepage of Facebook, the first thing that you need to do is log in. For you to change your name on Facebook, you need to log in to their page first.   

Click the Dropdown Menu

Once you are already in your Facebook Newsfeed, you will be able to see all the icons more visibly compared to your phone. The next step on how to change your Facebook name is to click the dropdown menu button. The dropdown menu button is located on the upper right of the page. It’s the fourth icon from the left. If you hover your pointer, you will see the word “Account”. Click the dropdown button and choose “Settings and Privacy” 

Choose Settings
Once you are redirected to the Settings and Privacy page. Under this page, you will be able to see some of the privacy settings. Make sure to choose “Settings” when you are on this page. That way, you will be redirected to the page where you can change your name.

General Settings
On the General settings, you can see some of the important menus on the page. For example, you can see all the categories on the left side. On the left side, you can see the options on what to change. Choose General, then you can see the option to change your name on the right side of the page  

Edit your name
Once you see this part, make sure to click the word “Edit”. Once you click the word edit, you will be redirected to this page. Make sure to fill in the boxes and read some of the important prompts as well. When you change your Facebook name, you will not be able to change it within 60 days period. Once you are done editing, click “ Review Changes” 


Now that you know how to change your Facebook name, make sure to double-check the spellings before saving. Remember, you won’t be able to change your Facebook name for the next 60 days. Make sure to tell us more about your experience on how to change your Facebook name. Now that you know how to change your Facebook name, make sure to double-check the spellings before saving. Remember, you won’t be able to change your Facebook name for the next 60 days. Make sure to tell us more about your experience on how to change your Facebook name.